
Title II Part A

  • The reauthorized Title II Program under The Every Student Succeds Act (ESSA) provides the largest federal program that supports professional development activities to improve teaching and learning. The purpose of the program is to increase student academic achievement through strategies such as improving teacher and principal quality.

    Funds will be shared equitably with private schools in the district that wish to participate.

    All activities under Title II are based on a needs assessment for professional development and hiring. Funds will be used to:

    • recruit and hire properly certified teachers
    • promote retention of properly certified teachers by implementing a teacher mentoring program
    • provide professional activities that improve the knowledge of teachers and administrators

    All professional development activities are:

    • included in the LEA Professional Development Plan
    • high quality, sustained, intensive, and classroom focused in order to have a positive and lasting impact on classroom instruction
    • not one day or short term workshops or conferences

     Funds will be shared equitability with private schools in the district that wish to participate.

    Door prize winners at Institute 2017