• What is the Census?

    The U.S. Census Bureau conducts a census of the United States every 10 years. It contains 10 simple questions and is sent to each household in the country. The data collected during the census is used in a variety of ways that affect decisions regarding community services provided to residents and the distribution of more than $675 billion in federal funds to local, state and tribal governments each year. This funding supports local programs for schools, health care, community assistance, infrastructure and other important needs. The census also determines the number of representatives each state will have in Congress.


    Why it Matters for Education?

    A full and accurate count is critical for Alabama’s schools because many of the federal programs that support public schools, their students and families distribute money to the state based on statistics. Federal Grants, School Lunch programs,  and Head Start programs are all allocated funds based on statistics collected during the 2020 Census.


    Fill out the 2020 Census today