The Library is a material center and its primary purpose is to help students and teachers. All books and materials belong to everyone; therefore, all must share these materials. The Library Media Specialist (LMS) is tasked with providing equal service to all students and teachers, and she hopes that everyone will use the library often.

    Circulation Services are available from 7:45 AM to 2:45 PM. Students may check out books and reference materials as needed. There are also printing services available at the circulation desk.

    Staff may check out materials for a month at a time, including reference materials, mobile devices for classes, and audio/visual equipment.

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  • Scheduling


    Our library runs on a felxible schedule. Staff and students have access to the library and materials during our posted hours. Staff are encouraged to use the library often for instruction during a class projects and research. To schedule a space in the library, consult fill out reservation form.

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  • Computers


    Library Services offers desktop computer stations for online browsing and research. In addition, wireless laptops are available for checkout for in-library use.
    Students have to up-to-date computer applications and equipment. These computing resources are provided for WPHS students to complete course assignments, write papers, conduct research, use specialized course software, search the Internet and communicate with their instructors and classmates using email.

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  • Laptops/Chromebooks


    The typical use of the Library Research Stations include accessing the Library Catalog and conducting online research. * Subject to availability. WPHS is a one to one school, so every student has access to a Chromebook purchased by CCBOE. The yearly cost of Chromebooks is $40 per year.

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  • Replacement Costs

    Replacement Costs

    When materials are not returned and become long overdue, faculty or students may be billed for replacement cost. Replacement costs are the list price of the book plus processing fees. Lost books must be paid for; they cannot be replaced with a donated book.

    Damages to Chromebooks are based on the damage to each device. Determination will be made by CCBOE Technology department. Charges begin at $40 and go to $365 for full cost of Chromebook.

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  • Printing/Copies


    Students have access to printers located in the library. Materials required for educational purposes are printed at no cost to the student.
    Students may come to the library to print materials or they can email them to Mrs. Giddy ahead of time. Documents will not be printed until students come tot he library to claim them.

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